GB 22 A97101 Red Hen “Red Ace 38” she is a stunning hen that won 31st place in the Final Race; she also won 38th Ace Pigeon Overall she is a super Stickers Donckers hen.
SIRE 20 R02522 he was bred for stock and his father won the North Coast Classic Ace Pigeon Award in 2013 and won 36th Monaghan 70 miles, 1th Navan 100m, 37th Navan 100m, 136th Kildare 127m, 25th Kilkenny 176m and 6th Final Race Rosscarbery 270m he is inbred to ‘Wonderboy’.
DAM 19 V57686 ‘Pet 686’ Her full sister won 2 X 1st and she is a daughter from Lompe Voske X The Pet. Lompe Voske is a winner of 1st Prizes and a breeder of 1st prize winners; ‘The Pet’ is mother to winners galore; she has actually bred winners and breeders of winners with every single cock she has been paired with, her breeding is from Carl & Cyril Lambrechts.