GB 21 V95131 Cheq Cock “Nero’s BK” bred from a very exclusive pairing and closely related to massive winners throughout his breeding including the most recent National Ace Sprint Champions KBDB.


SIRE GB 16 A28601 “Nero” sold on PIPA and father to 1st National UNC 11.055b, 1st Federation 1.800b, 1st Federation 920b, 3rd INFC 3.034b, 3rd Federation +4.500b, 3rd Federation 1.102b, 3rd Federation 1.109b, 5th Federation 2.626b, 5th Federation 2.293b, 5th Federation 2.002b, 5th INFC 1.555b, 7th National 2.148b, 11th Federation 2.002b, 11th Federation 1.782b and 14th Federation 3.375b. Nero is also a half brother to 1st 3.212b and 6th Federation 2.823b. Nero is a son of Maximus and Trevor’s Lass. Maximus is a son of Blawe Leo X Daughter Kittel and Trevor’s Lass is from a full brother to Het Goed Wit.


DAM Belg 19 4130247 ‘Dynamic Best Kittel’ she is a full sister to Best Kittel II, the 1st National Ace KBDB Sprint Champion 2020 and father to ‘Grizzle Best Kittel’, which was 2nd Nat Ace KBDB Sprint 2022 only to his own loft mate. Best Kittel II is a son from Best Kittel X Sister Rosita. Dynamic Best Kittel is the mother to 5th & 6th National INFC behind 4 loft mate’s 1,555b, 11th Fed to loft mates 1.782b and 17th Fed 1,265b.