GB 21 L15093 Blue bred from the best of the J. Den Hartog & Son pigeons.
SIRE NL 20-1762706 a direct son of “Crazy Grisly and Mandy”
Crazy Grisly is the 4th Ace General in the Region C with mote than 18 top prizes,
10th Ace Pigeon Afderling 7 in 2015 and a half brother to ‘Silver Lady’ 1st National
One-Day Long Distance Champion of all Holland.
‘Mandy’ is the 1st National Ace All-Round Pigeon WHZB/TBOTB 2019 and she is a
daughter from Crazy Grisly X Amber.
DAM NL 19-1480230 she is a double granddaughter of the Foundation Cock Jef. Her
father is “Neres’ direct from Jef X Daughter Anna. And her mother is from Jef X
Giereles Golden Lady.