GB 20 N52652 Hen “BC 652” she is a daughter of ‘Donker Link’ and ‘Crimson Princess’ she is a sister to Fed winners and she is bred from the best of Les Greens Bulcks.

SIRE 18 N49431 “Donker Link” Bred by Frank Jones and Kevin Herbert from Stroud; he is a superb pigeon that has bred 1st Fed 1,131b, 15th Amal 2,059b, 8th club 650b, 21st Fed 10,000b and his full sister also bred 2 X 1st club and 12th, 19th, 15th and 21st Fed with up to 2,346 birds competing. He is bred from a  son of Donker Leo and his mother is ‘Miss Green’ bred by Les Green and dam to many top pigeons; she is bred from Flanders Connection X Rode Greipel.

DAM 19 R05836 “Crimson Princess” she is direct from the super breeder ‘Wonder Red’ in 2020 his children won 1st club, 1st fed 982b, 1st WC Amal 1,822b, 1st club, 1st Fed 4th Amal 1,721b, 5th WC Amal 1,822b, 1st club 21st Amal 1,735b and 27th Amal for K & J Zarafa against 1,822b ‘Crimson Princess’ is bred from Wonder Red X Lesly, both Bulcks bred by Les Green, Wonder Red is from Blauwe Beertje X Dikke Van Kittel and she was on loan from Les Green.