GB 19 V75825 Grizzle Cock “Pitbull” he is a half brother to the winners of:

1st Federation 3,375b

1st Federation 3,241b

1st Federation 3,068b

1st Federation 1,102b

1st Federation 1,537b

2nd National INFC 2,035b

2nd National INFC 3,034b

2nd National INFC 1,555b

3rd Federation 1,782b

4th Federation 2,293b

5th Federation 2,316b

7th Federation 2,002b


SIRE Belge 15-6063775 “Silver Pitbull” he is a son of Zoon Asduif X Laenen 031.

The best of Johan Donkers and Karel Laenen.


DAM IHU 16 S111867 “Golden Blauw Lady” she is a direct daughter from Ludo X National Di Caprio, the descendants from these 2 top breeders have won 5 X 1st Fed, 3 X 2nd Fed and INFC, 4 X 3rd Fed and are both absolute top breeders. Ludo is from a grandson of Jackpot and National Di Caprio is a daughter from Di Caprio & Blue Kannibaal.