GB 24 N64349 Blue Hen “Sure Thing” she is a sister to lot 1 and she is a show stopper of a hen. Bred from the best race cock at the Staddon Loft.


GB 18 B00659 “Miracle Maker” winner of 4 X 1st Section in National and Classic.

3rd National BICC

3rd National BICC 1,277b

6th National NFC 2,493b

20th National BICC 2,222b

He also won 1st Open CSCFC St Philbert 895b, 2nd Combine 3,684b, 3rd Combine 1,601b, 7th Combine 840b and 7th Combine 1,776b.

He also sired 1st Combine 1,318b, 1st Combine 981b, 2nd Combine 1,318b, 2nd Combine 562b, 2nd Combine 807b, 3rd Combine 807b, 4th Combine 1,721b, 5th Combine 603b and 8th Combine 1,532b. his father is ‘The Real Machine’ and his mother is ‘Comet’ Real Machine has sired 5 X 1st WOESRC and 6 X 2nd and 6 1st section winners also 3rd National 1,277b, 6th National 2,493, 20th National 2,222b and 1st CSCFC, 1st Combine 2,039b

Comet is mother to 1st section, 1st Open National NFC Coutances and 1st DSection 20th National Bordeaux 995b, 1st CSCFC St Philbert and 1st section 3rd National.


GB 22 B79755 “Blue Juliet” from ‘May Pigeons’ she is direct from Romeo X Juliet.

Romeo is a direct son of Spiderman X Rossi Lass and Juliet is a daughter of Jul X Double Kittel. Spiderman is a special breeder and has produced more than 400 X 1st prize winners.