GB 24 V64445 Red Hen “WDW Red Rum” She is bred from the top lines of Luc De Laere, Luc was the best friend of Gabby Vandenabeele and as such, he got the best from Gabby. On her mother’s side Red Rum is bred from the very best of Milly’s Loft OLR lines.

She is a full sister to the winner of 6th Open, 4th Ace Pigeon WDW One Loft Race 2024.


Belge 18-3132726 “Super Blue Luc” he is a fantastic breeding cock  and in his first nest he produced the 6th Open & 4th Ace Pigeon WDW One Loft Race. His father is ‘New Tieke’ and his mother is ‘Perfect Lady’ take a look at her full breeding in her pedigree, she is bred from the best of Gabby’s family.


GB 23 N31934 “Who Dares Milly” she won 11th Open in the WDW Grand Final winning almost £4,000, she is a beautiful handling hen and she is the mother to 6th Open, 4th Ace Pigeon in the 2024 WDW One Loft Race.

Her father is ‘Milly’s Dundee’ and her mother is ‘Red Hot Milly’ they are a full brother/sister pairing from Secret Weapon No2 X Lucky Girl.